Our Mission
The debt capital markets (DCM) have demonstrated incredible effectiveness at supporting the huge demand (with over $10trn of issuance in 2020) for funding over the past two decades.
This has benefited thousands of issuers, from sovereigns, supranationals, corporations, financial institutions across both the investment grade and high yield spectrum.

With over 70 years combined experience in both bond markets and transformational technology solutions, the founders are driven by a vision of using technology to create a transparent, efficient and secure platform for issuers, investors and underwriters.
The BondAuction™ platform delivers on this vision for all market participants.

Though the adoption of technology in primary markets has been steady and gradual, the primary issuance process remains very manual and cumbersome.
This has led to frustration across the broad range of market participants and makes it challenging to accurately capturing the precise information that would benefit execution for many regular issuers.

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